Tuesday 16 December 2008

Workout Tue 16/12

Warm Up - 9 - advanced (78 reps)

Co-ordination - 32 - advanced (28 reps)

Ear Training - 36 - advanced (32 reps)

Guitar used - US Strat Plus

Hmmm ... Feel slightly fraudulent tonight, for two reasons. First, decided not to do the warm up exercise that came out first (another of those horrible major 7th arpeggio things). Then, on ET36, went for a "second lap" - took so long to get into the pattern that when the two minute bell went I kept going and counted the second lap. On the upside, I played the Strat Plus for the first time in the workout, and it went ok. Also, stuck with alternate picking in CO32, which would previously have been sweep picking all the way, and still knocked out an advanced time ! (Note - last attempted this exercise on 29/11, relapsed into sweep picking and only managed 25 reps - improvement ? wot improvement ?? Next stop, basic competence... mwahahahaha...)

Oh, and metronome was set to 160BPM for WU9, and 120BPM for CO32 and ET36.

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