Monday 8 December 2008

Workout Mon 8/12

Warm Up - 36 - low advanced (56 reps)

Co-ordination - 25 - high intermediate (11 reps)

Ear Training - 37 - intermediate (11 reps)

Guitar used - Mexican Strat

Good range of exercises tonight. Warmed up with chromatic exercises at 1st, 5th and 10th frets, pushing the metronome to 140BPM. Backed off to 120BPM for WU36 to get an "advanced" rating, tried again at 140 and got more failures but a better workout. CO25 involved triplet picking a 12 note pattern at 100BPM - fun ! Triplet counting I could never get right, so it was a good idea to back the metronome off and have it count the triplets - play to the click and you're ok :) ET37 was an old friend tried at 120BPM - went ok, no major train wrecks. All in all, a good set of exercises. Oh, and stayed resolutely with alternate picking for all exercises too, even under pressure at 140 - a first !

PS. Last did ET37 on Sun 30/11 - got an additional 2 successful reps tonight - given that it's a 28 note pattern, an additional 56 "counting" notes in the 2 minute span isn't *too* shabby :)

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