Saturday 13 December 2008

Workout Sat 13/12

Warm Up - 27 - beginner (14 reps)

Co-ordination - 24 - intermediate (28 reps)

Ear Training - 24 -intermediate (24 reps)

Guitar used - Mexican Strat

Not the best session. Had a definite air of going through the motions, especially on a pretty dire warm up exercise (WU27), very different in character to most of the other exercises. Struggled through it, and stuttered through the other exercises, including cranking the metronone to 240BPM in 5s for ET24 ! (Took a few runs through to get the metronome timing right - eventually gave up and went for single beats with a 5 count, hence the high speed...)

Beginning to wonder if the chromatic warm up exercises I found on the web are actually more harm than good, as since I started using them more, my ratings seem to be slipping back, especially in the warm up exercises. Hmmmm...

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