Sunday 4 January 2009

Workout Sun 4/1

Warm Up - 25 - advanced (89 reps)

Co-ordination - 24 - intermediate (41 reps)

Ear Training - 2 - intermediate (13 reps)

Guitar used - US Strat Plus

Back in harness! A solid, if not terribly overwhelming return, although after nearly two weeks off that's to be expected. ET2 was an interesting new exercise which hopefully will be tried again soon, complete with its awkward position change.

Notes for 23/12 - 3/1
During the holiday period, when I'd hoped to spend some time learning some new pieces as well as spending a bit more time practicing, between the lurgy and what felt like a trapped nerve in my right elbow curtailed any serious practice. Still managed a few runs through exercises most days, but nothing as structured as a workout, sadly. Seem to be past the most irritating niggles from the elbow, so that's all good, thankfully. However, "Blood on the Rooftops" and "Horizons" survive unmolested for a little while longer !

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