Thursday 30 July 2009

Workout - Thu 30/7

Warm Up - 25 - Intermediate (73 reps @ 168 bpm)

Co-ordination - 24 - Intermediate (35 reps @ 120 bpm)

Ear Training - 13 - Advanced (35 reps @ 140 bpm)

Guitar used : Mexican Strat

Felt a bit better at getting an Advanced rating on ET13, but it is something of an old favourite - so I suppose my fingers haven't forgotten how to do that one !!

Sunday 26 July 2009

Workout - Sun 26/7

Warm Up - 32 - Intermediate - 37 reps

Co-ordination - 23 - Intermediate - 8 reps

Ear Training - 25 - Intermediate - 22 reps

Guitar used : Mexican Strat

Notes :
Having not practiced properly for as long as I have, I shouldn't really complain about slipping back to intermediate for all exercises - especially since I would up with a couple that needed long stretches - but all the same - grrrrrrr ! Back to practicing properly, regularly !!