Thursday 26 February 2009

Workout Thu 26/2

Warm Up - 37 - intermediate (26/44 reps)

Co-ordination - 16 - intermediate (30 reps)

Ear Training - 30 - intermediate (18 reps)

Guitar used -Mexican Strat

Hmmm! A 9 count on WU37 threw me a bit - second count is a second run through the exercise. First fine at CO16 - interesting exercise - must do it again soon. Too tempting to slip back into sweep picking for ET30, so reps are a bit inflated there. But at least very little pain in the left pinkie this time, so that's positive at least.

Monday 23 February 2009

Workout Mon 23/2

Warm Up - 5 - intermediate (73 reps)

Co-ordination - 23 - advanced (12 reps)

Ear Training - 35 - beginner (8 reps)

Guitar used - Mexican Strat

Pretty poor effort! Left pinkie started off bad and got progressively worse as the session went on. took 4 attempts to get anywhere with the WU, and things had got so bad that it was physically sore to even attempt the ET. Bugger. Think I've got a trapped nerve or something as I now seem to have pins and needles in my left hand arE arm since finishing...

Friday 13 February 2009

Workout Fri 13/2

Warm Up - 3 - intermediate (57 reps)

Co-ordination - 7 - advanced (61 reps)

Ear Training - 13 - intermediate (25 reps)

Guitar used - Mexican Strat

Distinctly average! ET13 resulting in cramped and sore left pinkie - must be doing me some good I suppose...

Monday 2 February 2009

Workout Mon 2/2

Warm Up - 33 - advanced (64 reps)

Co-ordination - 23 - intermediate (23 reps)

Ear Training - 24 - intermediate (30 reps)

Guitar used - Mexican Strat

Back for good ? Well, hopefully. After a lengthy layoff pleased to see that things hadn't gone completely to pot - indeed, only missed an advanced rating on ET24 by one rep, and CO23 wasn't far off either. Admittedly these were "old favourites", but still a sign that the hands haven't frozen up yet!

(Much later edit ... can't possibly have done CO23 this night, as the threshold for Advanced rating is 11 reps !! Still amazed I managed Advanced a couple of nights later though - I haven't managed it again since ! - 19/3/09)